
Jackie Mason

One Night With Jackie Mason The after-hours clubs that were tucked away in the hidden alleys and basements of Philadelphia’s Center City in 1964 resembled the Speakeasy era. Jackie Mason and I had hit about a dozen or so of…

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The Jerry Cole Tribute Show

The Jerry Cole Tribute Show and how I came to be there: I just posted the video of my performance at the Jerry Cole memorial show which was held at the LA Baked Potato a few months ago and it’s…

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©Ari Dane 2004

                                    Eleven o'clock on a cold Valentine's Day night.  Time to hang it up and crawl into the preheated comfort of our electric blanket, perchance to dream and then, "That was our last cigarette..." 

                                    Hmm, one more…

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A Toast to Ocho!



By Ari Dane

Did I know the man well?

Not in number of years

Still, well enough to share laughter and tears

We’d toast glass of wine

Swap some lies and some truth

With a twinkle in eye he’d…

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"Occult" for Halloween



Happy Halloween my little (and not so little) creatures of the


© Ari Dane 2007

 I’ve never seen a ghost

or got a message from the dead

I’ve never seen the future

when the Tarot cards were read

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Who killed the Ballona Creek ROCK PEOPLE?


Who killed the Ballona Creek ROCK PEOPLE?


Not those kind of guitar slingin' Rock People who write Rock Operas...

I mean, we're talking real rocks here!


I alternate my daily walks between Dotweiler Beach and Ballona Creek.


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Ari's Birthday Blues

(Sing the blues, now...)

Today it was my birthday

Can you imagine that?

 I guess I'm feeling older

It's cold, I need a hat...

I got the blues...

(one more finish it...)



Seasons Greetings from the Danes

Dear One and All,

'twas not without regret

I had to make you wait

And yet

and yet

and yet

I still... procrastinate...


Pointed line, comedic barb


Tried and true material


Perhaps to wax poetic

Brilliant metaphors,


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Dear One & All, I can see by the ol'TV that the weather pretty much sucks no matter where you live and so I don't realy expect much in the way of sympathy for the last few miserable, rainy…

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The Case of the Creaking Chair



Dear One and All,

Roxy is looking at me like she wants to go for a walk but I don't really believe her since I just opened the patio door for her to go out and take care of biz…

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"Won Ton"



©Ari Dane 2010

OLD JOKE: A hooker approaches a senior citizen and inquires if he would be interested in super sex and the old guy thinks for a moment and then replies, "I'll take the soup!"       

It all…

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